Friday, October 10, 2008

"...we will be respectful."

I feel that negative campaigning, a part of every election, spiraled out of control over the past week. Likely, people's concerns about the economy are compounded by their ignorance, hateful emails (which unfortunately some believe), and some members of a campaign staff that believe it is the only way to win. Here McCain shows his true colors, which have occasionally appeared on the trail.


Jim said...

There's a political aphorism I quite like called Jane's Law, which states that "The devotees of the party in power are smug and arrogant. The devotees of the party out of power are insane."

I think it has already begun, with my assumption that Obama will win and win big(short of Obama openly declaring his extreme hatred of the NFL and his intention to destroy it.)

I don't want to become a wanker, but this is inexcusable behavior. It pains me to see people on my side act this way. It is wrong. I would like to think that this is a cherry-picked group of responses; I suspect that it is. Nevertheless, I don't doubt that whatever weirdness that comes with Obama's election will be, in some cases, awful.

I, for one, will welcome our new Obamaian overlords with civil, disciplined but intense criticism when I feel that it is warranted. As I mentioned to Bruce over the phone, overreach will happen and I'll enjoy it, when it actually does.

RET said...

I assume you tried to link to the video where the interviewer asks McCain Rally attendees about Obama, they reply "What do we know about him? He has only been around for a couple of years." So the reporter asks them how long they have known Sarah Palin.

Jim said...

Uh, similar, but no. Dunno why the link didn't work:


RET said...