Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wow! Sarah Palin ROCKS!!!

Any doubts this Conservative had are gone.... McCain and Palin, what the country needs!


Bruce said...

Palin did exactly what she had to do. motivate the base to get out and vote.

Jim...i take it back, Palin's a keeper....snarky, but a keeper. I owe you two cokes.

If Obama and Biden don't come out swinging after a speech like that, they don't deserve it. This speech was a slap in the face to anyone who has ever tried to improve their community by volunteering and helping those who need the assistance. The RNC basically just told everyone in america you suck if you ever volunteered to help anyone.

Also, how can day one of the convention be about service, specifically helping Gustav evacuees and yet day three say its all crap? Oh i forgot, its an election year and McCain needed his photo op. Sorry NOLA.

Vince said...
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RET said...

Great speech of one liners and a perfect example of the politics of the past; Rove-style, vitriolic, and divisive. It may work but the country needs something new.

Jim said...


Don't buy those Cokes yet. There's a whole 'nother week for Palin's past as a sports announcer for the Alaskan Sled Dog Fighting League (or whatever) to come out.

I vaguely liked the speech, but I actually don't think it was a great idea to attack Obama. As much as I like her, there's plenty of time for America to sour on her. It'll happen, guaranteed. Her favorables will be half their level in a month. Sarah Palin will not be the one to break the White House gender barrier.

That being said, I don't think that she was attacking volunteers per se, but professional "community organizers". It's worth noting that while Obama supporters may value his past as a C.O. emotionally, but it's not something that Obama or his supporters have pointed to as an example of his overall experience. On the right, his past as a CO will be used as shorthand for 'left-leaning activist.'