Monday, September 1, 2008

Regretting not Vetting?

I know Obama has said that Palin's family is off limits, but this pregnancy story is just amazing. How does McCain pick a VP who is an advocate of "abstinence only" education, yet has a 17 year old preggo daughter? I am not condemning her daughter, but I do have to question the judgment of her mother and McCain. Her mother should not have accepted this job knowing that her family would be ridiculed and any skeletons in the closet would be revealed. In this case her daughters name is being dragged through the mud on a national level. In addition, you need to seriously question McCain's thought process on picking Palin. It almost appears that she wasn't vetted at all. With all of this being said, I still believe that Palin's family should be left out of this. However, her values and hypocrisy can be questioned.

(Jim, as always, was right on the money with this pick. It was a "hook and ladder" type play to try to score a touchdown at the end of the game. This play has a .0001% chance of working and usually ends with the team fumbling the ball. The "hook and ladder" Palin pick seems to be failing miserably.)


RET said...

The most likely rationale for this pick is 1)for continued fund raising from the conservative base and 2) McCain and his staff have started to believe all the hype, they perpetuate, about Hillary's supporters only want a woman not what they believe in.

...Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said....

Bruce said...

word on the blogs is Palin won't last 'til Friday.

Look for her to decline the nomination in order to "take care of her family." She will then be heralded as taking up the most important job in America, and rightfully so. she probably should get her house in order before she's on the national stage again (if ever).

In any event, the party elders of the RNC are likely talking to the desired VP pick right now, and trying to figure out what the hell to do with the reckless old coot at the top of the ticket...

Jim said...

I disagree with Rich's assessment. If they were interested in really pleasing religious conservatives, Brownback or Huckabee would have been better choices.

McCain's a craps player, a gambler. This is a lovely example of his overall impulsiveness. This does 3 things: 1) gives him a little bump in terms of news 2) grants him a long-term legacy within the GOP (1st woman VP) and 3) allows him to play kingmaker for 2012 or 2016 without affecting the really important eggs in the basket (Jindal, Rice, etc.)


Care to put a little money on that, Bruce? I'll even give you 'til the end of next week. I don't see Palin stepping down anytime soon.

Let's bet the cost of two Cokes in the Stepan vending machine. Deal?

P.S. "she probably should get her house in order" Hmmm.

Bruce said...


and all i meant by that comment is that you don't go throwing stones in glass houses. The level of hypocracy that she's toting here is only tolerable to those who don't want to see it.

ethics reformer...she's under investigation for possibly firing her brother-in-law after divorcing her sis and fighting for the children. She also forcibly fired (either through removal of the job ie downsizing, or through letters of resignation) several elected officials in the "city" of Wassila.

Abstinenece education...hello? are you for real right now? Bristol is pregnant and while there is nothing worng with that, there is something wrong with supporting her daughter's DECISION to keep the
baby and yet being for removal of that choice for everyone else in America. IOKIYAR.

Foreign Policy...proximity to Russia does not a Commander-in-Chief make. Neither does "command" of the National Guard of Alaska.

Executive trumps McCain's. This was arguably the RNC's best argument against Obama. Why take it off the table. Why holster you best weapon? If executive experience is the measure of a president, Sarah Palin should be at the top of the ticket.

There. I have vetted Sarah Palin. It took me a matter of minutes. McCain had months. Reckless.

RET said...

Jim...I am not definitive but neither Huckabee nor Brownback satisfy my second criterion.

The question is why not Kay Bailey Hutchinson?

Jim said...

Quickly on KBH: 1) You don't vacate Senate seats before a landslide year, no matter how safe. 2) Word is, she's not pleasant to work with at all.