Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards

I have nothing to say. I'm simply stunned.

Well, okay, one thing. When you're a politician, you bet the reputation of yourself and your family. That's pretty big. You also ask for the support, time and money of your supporters. Edwards' affair is a huge betrayal (in my opinion) of those supporters.

Perhaps they don't care. In that case, coming full circle, I have nothing to say. I'm just stunned.


Vince said...

NO pol can be trusted Jim, especially when it comes to women. I am not really stunned by this admission as it has been rumored for the better part of 2 years. However, I am stunned that he would have an affair with all of the hardships he went through with his wife.

Vince said...

The more I think about this the more it pisses me off. What if this guy had won the democratic nomination? It would basically be a slam-dunk win for in November. He has betrayed his wife, family, nation, and party by lying about the affair and attempting to run for president.

MJenks said...

I guess that attorney general thing isn't going to work out now, is it Johnny?

Oh, this is grand and great. I can see where all that "money for the poor" has gone. I guess "poor" in the Edwards household equals hush.

Or maybe it means buying a fall-guy to claim fatherhood of the child.

Too bad he saw the writing on the wall and knew he wouldn't get reelected long ago, or else the political climate in NC would get a lot more fun. This slimebag deserves all the muck he's being raked through and then some.

So long, Johnny E. It was never a pleasure to know you.

Mike Schmitt said...

I'm still shocked it was with a women, I was certain it was going to be..... a man!

Vince said...

Well he isn't Republican Mike........

RET said...

The reason this is such a surprise is that Edwards ran his campaigns with his character being a central issue.
Of course, Mike feels that his commitment to the less fortunate is a more a reflection of sexual preference like wearing pink or eating salad.

Unfortunately, politicians are celebrities and like Hollywood run in circles where this is even more common than the average family. It is fine to be disappointed in someone but to suggest this somehow is contradictory to the efforts he championed is unfair. McCain has previously admitted that his infidelity led to the breakup of his first marriage. Thats not the reason I am not going to vote for him.

This will likely eliminate any hopes of future political positions for Edwards but I don't understand the animosity being expressed towards him. He ran positive campaigns that were unfortunately too focused (unfortunately, important issues to too few).

MJenks said...

Edwards political career was over long before this. He was a lousy senator and the cause he champions, poverty, is absolutely ridiculous given the $6 million estate that he's erected in Chapel Hill.

This is almost like someone championing climate change whose carbon footprint is larger than Connecticut.

Mike Schmitt said...

I was just trying to make a joke, don't get so excited...For the record, I don't think there is anything wrong with eating salad, wearing pink, or helping others.

I do think you're crazy to think that he didn't do all those things for personal gain / career advancement.... like all politicians it's a “me first” attitude.

Ronald Reagan, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'”