Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Enough Politics!

I will break the trend of political banter with a disturbing/hilarious story of an Indiana woman who doesn't know that dropping a file in the recycling bin doesn't permanently delete it!

Also, if anyone wants to hear Bill-O read excerpts from his gripping mystery novel, Those Who Trespass, just click the link.


Jim said...

Uh, thanks, Vince. I could have done without reading that.

Vince said...


All bestiality aside, what do you think of Obama's performance based pay for teachers? I think you might like this as you thought he would cave to the teachers unions.

Jim said...

Vince, I'll believe it when I see it. There's still a lot of time to trade it away. But I'll give him credit for making good moves in that direction (Arne Duncan, too.)

There's obviously a limited amount that he can do -- teacher pay, after all, is something that's ultimately controlled by the local school board. But if he can get the NEA to either trade or cave, I'll be a really happy guy.

Also, my happiness will be inversely proportional to the happiness of liberal education pundits. So far, they're cautiously optimistic.