Sunday, December 7, 2008

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fire (ing of hand guns)...

The Bush administration on Friday struck down federal regulations banning loaded guns in most national forests, a move that was widely seen as a parting shot on behalf of the National Rifle Association. The decision shoots down a 1981 wildlife refuge and a 1983 national park regulation signed by President Ronald Reagan requiring firearms to be unloaded and placed somewhere not easily accessible, such as in a car trunk, when visiting federal parks.

"We are pleased that the Interior Department recognizes the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while enjoying America's national parks and wildlife refuges," said Chris Cox, the National Rifle Association's chief lobbyist.

Thank God. I haven't taken Hayden to any National Parks yet because I just haven't felt safe.


Mike Schmitt said...

This may make sense in certain parks, where bears and tigers are.. oh my!

Jim said...

I think you can make a reasonable case for allowing firearms in a national park area, considering that (AFAIK) there aren't very many armed rangers to patrol (in some cases) a very large area.

There are a goodly number of crimes committed in national parks/forests, but one imagines that this would be better addressed with more/smarter police funding.