Monday, November 10, 2008

Economists versus scientists

Scientists often get a bad rap for being socially inept. One economist (and former Secretary of the Treasury) is much, much more socially inept than any scientist than I've ever met. Enjoy the following on Larry Summers, former President of Harvard and possible future SecTreas:

Summers was doing a meeting with a friend of mine at a hedge fund where they both worked, and he was drinking a diet Coke as he talked. I mean that literally: as he talked. Coke was pouring out of his mouth and onto his shirt, and Summers showed no outward recognition that this was happening. Needless to say, to my friend this was fascinating to the point of seriously distracting from the substance of the meeting.

After the meeting, my friend emailed a colleague to say: I just finished a meeting with Larry, and he left with his shirt covered in diet Coke. The colleague emailed back: the last time I had a meeting with Larry, he left with cheese in his nose.

1 comment:

Jim said...

This sample does not, of course, include the recent Nobel laureate I listened to speak about his dysentary and that "making enolates was a political statement."