Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A little motivation.

I was sitting at the table, eating dinner with my daughter and I glanced at the sports section, which was bemoaning the loss of the Bears' inspirational middle linebacker, Brian Urlacher:

And I looked a little closer at his wristband, to see what they write on there. Little did I know, he had a little extra motivation for himself:

It's not quite Billy Ripken, but it'll do.


Jim said...

I seem to recall a certain professor challenging us act a certain way about each other's data.

Mike Schmitt said...

What does it say?

Vince said...

You think that phrase would be on Cutler's wristband!

Btw...did everyone else try to find that Billy Ripken error card when you were a kid?

Jim said...

Spotted on Cutler's wrist band: "Don't throw the pick!"