Thursday, October 11, 2007

I made the cut!!

Well, I thought I'd update everyone on the layoffs at Amgen. It was a pretty ugly day.... The Director of Chem. called people individually into his office, sat them down and with the HR rep. standing by, explained that they were no longer needed.

The package was pretty good, 6 months salary and a prorated bonus.

Looks like it's going to be another tough year to get a job in "big" pharma/biotech.

Well what do you all think? Does small molecule chemistry have a future? Can you retire in the industry or is it time to retool?

Good luck,



Kristen said...

Every time I read something like this, it makes me thankful that I still have a job! A co-worker of mine left AMRI to go work for Pfizer in Ann Arbor and, within less than a year, the site closed down and he was out of a job. There are always rumors of mergers. You just never know!

MJenks said...

At least the Director of Chemistry broke the news to them. When Serenex laid me off, I got an email from HR and the Director of Chemistry wouldn't acknowledge my existence when he saw me in the hall. This was in character since he hadn't spoken to me since January of the same year, when he gave me my meager restitution for the year. Ah, life in industry!