Sunday, November 25, 2007

$5 for Olberman's tongue on a platter....

Oh My God,

I have never had a great fascination with Keith Olberman, but until now I had no tremendous need to see him rendered mute. Please, NBC, do us all a HUGE favor and pull the man. Its not bad enough that he can't commentate a highlight reel, or can't pronounce players names (I understand that one, i mean, it was a little no-name guy from San Diego, what was it again, some guy named Merriman?) But the man has more bad impressions and terrible or aloof jokes than Dennis Miller, and they managed to run him off ABC. I'm willing to make a deal, pull Olberman and put a trained monkey or Dan Dierdorf (same thing) in, and take Olberman where he belongs, late-night 2nd rate sports right behind Miller's new show. Just a thought, just please get him off the Sunday Night Football.


Jim said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that botched highlight call. If I didn't know better, I would suspect alcohol poisoning.

MJenks said...

Add to it his constant insistence that FOX has it in for him, and he's as intolerable as a festered butthair.