Growing up, my favorite wrestler was 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan, who I'm pleased to read is the oldest active wrestler in WWE. Wow.
In other news, NFL Week 17 is in the comments. Rich is taking Duggan's trademark 2X4 to my chances to win this year.
A Gathering Place for all Taylor Group Members, New and Old. Keep in touch, Carry on discussion & debate, and most importantly, play hard.
Summers was doing a meeting with a friend of mine at a hedge fund where they both worked, and he was drinking a diet Coke as he talked. I mean that literally: as he talked. Coke was pouring out of his mouth and onto his shirt, and Summers showed no outward recognition that this was happening. Needless to say, to my friend this was fascinating to the point of seriously distracting from the substance of the meeting.
After the meeting, my friend emailed a colleague to say: I just finished a meeting with Larry, and he left with his shirt covered in diet Coke. The colleague emailed back: the last time I had a meeting with Larry, he left with cheese in his nose.
"There is plenty of blame to go around and many in Washington and on Wall Street who deserve it,” he said. “There will be time to punish those who set this fire, but now is the moment for us to come together and put the fire out.
“If your neighbor’s house is burning, you’re not gonna spend a whole lot of time saying ‘well, that guy was always irresponsible. He always left the stove on. He always was smoking in bed,’” Obama told the crowd of 12,000 at the University of Nevada - Reno. “All those things may be true, but his house could end up affecting your house.”
“We’ve got to make sure that we put the fire out and then go start making sure that these folks stop leaving the stove on.”
Fun fact #1: In the past 4 days, the US government has placed a $85 billion dollar tax burden on the American people. The sum total of the bailouts so far is $900 billion This dollar amount is roughly twice the deficit increase every year of the 8 years of George W. Bush.
Fun fact #2: Ben Bernake -alone- controls $888 billion of that dollar amount.
is it possible for a particualr post/comment thread to be linked to the top of the page and a little notification or indication when a new comment or post is added (ie, our "teaching" thread)?
Not a request but rather a question. If not, then we shall scroll down..
If you have considered yourself a serious scientist...
and by the way, John McCain has said he will answer the questions, no word on when.
check this out from Andrew Sullivan via Daily Kos
Andrew Sullivan makes an excellent point.
In all the discussion of John McCain's recently recovered memory of a religious epiphany in Vietnam, one thing has been missing. The torture that was deployed against McCain emerges in all the various accounts. It involved sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating. Sound familiar?
According to the Bush administration's definition of torture, McCain was therefore not tortured.
Cheney denies that McCain was tortured; as does Bush. So do John Yoo and David Addington and George Tenet. In the one indisputably authentic version of the story of a Vietnamese guard showing compassion, McCain talks of the agony of long-time standing. A quarter century later, Don Rumsfeld was putting his signature to memos lengthening the agony of "long-time standing" that victims of Bush's torture regime would have to endure. These torture techniques are, according to the president of the United States, merely "enhanced interrogation."
No war crimes were committed against McCain. And the techniques used are, according to the president, tools to extract accurate information. And so the false confessions that McCain was forced to make were, according to the logic of the Bush administration, as accurate as the "intelligence" we have procured from "interrogating" terror suspects. Feel safer?