I am not going to vote for him but I want to ____ his vice president! I am huge proponent of the "sexy librarian" look.
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Good to know feminism has reached Stepan.
Proof that the cougar is alive and well in Alaska.
In all seriousness Jim, I am being facetious. She seems qualified and it is a good choice.
@ the iNDefatigable mjenks
There seems to be a resurgence in the population.
Vince -- I know. In all seriousness, though, I sense that she is not very qualified. Politically, she might be a good choice.
In my opinion, this is like putting a rookie QB in 10 games into a losing season. Assuming she can avoid major mistakes or contributing gaffes, the ultimate McCain loss should not affect her and her standing for 2012 or 2016 will be increased.
Only positive about the pick is that Biden and the campaign can't be too aggressive without be called misogynists.
You may be right Jim. The fact that she is also pro-creationism really irks me as a scientist.
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