“John McCain calls himself a maverick, but he votes with George Bush 95% of the time. That’s not a maverick. That’s a sidekick.”
Thanks Sen. Casey! The original "maverick" is nothing more than Robin to Bush's Batman.
Daily Kos gets the props for the pic.
Plus, sheesh, everyone knows that Maverick is East German, a dead-eye marksman, and absorbs kinetic energy. That's not sidekick material. Way to fight the good fight. Keep it up.
The last time I checked The President doesn't vote on anything.... he is in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.
This argument always cracked me up.
Don't confuse them with facts, Mike.
You can defend if you wish but Bush has been an embarrassment.
Go through the crises the country has faced during the eight years (not blame him but ask how has the Executive branch responded?)
Kyoto, Enron/Worldcom, Bin Laden threats, the UN, 9/11, anthrax (John McCain even suggest Iraq was the cause of that), Afghanistan, Iraq, definition of torture (McCain was never tortured in Vietnam according to Bush), Abu Ghraib, deficit (more tax cuts), Haliburton (one of few major companies to triple in stock price over the past several years), Katrina, North Korean and Iran (first say don't talk to tyrants and then talk to them but say Obama is wrong)...should I go on?
In the words of our next president, ENOUGH.
Kyoto could have been ratified under Clinton, but he wasn’t stupid and didn’t want to hurt the economy. The estimates were a loss of 4.2% GDP.
Enron? How does that have anything to do with Bush. The energy markets were deregulated under Bush 1 and Clinton. The scandal broke in 2001… I don’t know what you mean by this?
9/11? This is Bushes fault? I think the aftermath was handled well.
Anthrax? Again what has this to do with Bush?
Afghanistan? They did attack us on 9/11. We have strong international support…
Iraq? Sure not so bright, but seems to be going well now. Only time will tell if this was a good or bad decision…. I bet it turns out to be a good one.
Torture…this is tricky, everyone seems to love it on 24 when Jack needs info. I still agree with this one… we need to torture people every once in a while… the world is dangerous…. Get with it.
Deficit. If you look at it relative to the GDP its hasn’t changed over the last 8 years. Go back to Econmics 101, read up on inflation and then ponder how your wrong on this one too.
Haliburton has a net income of $3.5 billion and a revenue of $15.3 billion. We spend over $720 million each day on Iraq. Every 20 days the US spends more in Iraq than Halibuton’s revenue for a year. Haliburton has got a few conections…. but are you f---ing kidding me. That is how the govt. works… GET REAL. Plus they are one of the few companies capable of doing the work… Quick name another company that can do the work????
Katrina. The last time I checked good people don’t loot, murder, and steal. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! The response may have been slower than people wanted, but it came…. And the last time I checked Bush didn’t build NO below sea level. Nor did he build the levees that failed.
North Korea…. You must be kidding me…. I pose the question this way, I’m a rational person and you’re a rational person…. And we don’t agree on anything. Now add a non-rational person who thinks he’s a GOD into the equation…. Your gonna talk sense into him…. You’re CRAZY…. Talk is cheap with at dishonest person.
Iran… see North Korea.
Obama is an amazing orator, and he may be good for the country, only time will tell. You may be ashamed of Bush but you are not looking at the facts. You simply do not like the guy, on a gut check level….
BUSH's RESPONSE, Mike. Why don't your read what you are commenting on before going into defense mode.
Kyoto: We could have lead the discussion instead of walking out. Interesting how our approached changed later when we desperate for help in other areas. It would have been easier to get support for this anti-terrorist war if we showed leadership in other areas.
Enron: How about something to protect pensions?
Anthrax: Bush and McCain used this crime to make a case for war with Iraq.
The whole 9/11-war-war ballooned the size of govt under a republican admin and legislative branch. BTW...what is your terror alert color today? I guarantee we will all know around the last week in October.
Bush left Afghanistan before completing the job because he wanted Saddam more than Ossama. Personal vindication instead of "Country First"
Your response on Katrina represents the fascinating dichotomy of the republican party...base the ideas on the protestant/christian work ethic but have leav out the soul. You defend success in Iraq by saying a very small percentage of people there are doing the murdering, looting, daily bombing, and its getting better (Five years later and its really just bad press coverage). But when the press shows "similar" activities in response to no food, water, or a place to live, the people of the Gulf coast don't deserve a response. Your lack of compassion is uncomfortably chilling.
Fine torture is needed to save lives (tongue in cheek), just remember that when our service men and women are "held." All I pointed out was that Bush says we don't torture. Another example of lying.
North Korea and Iran...your argument doesnt stand because in both cases we have started talking to these non-rational people and in one case, north Korea, its working, just like Libya. He stills not rational but we got some of what we wanted and the people of North Korea got FOOD! Maybe they and Cubans should just work harder.
BTW...I forgot Valerie Plame (anyone in the administration who was a part of this will be held accountable?) and the Justice Dept firings.
This has nothing to do with Obama and it is not a personal attack on Bush.
I'm commenting on your personal embarrassment of Bush and your rewriting of history.
Katrina is a great example of your rewrite.
Katrina is a perfect example of poorly run State Govt. My understanding is that the local response teams are to handle the situation then call on the Federal Govt for help. The simple fact is a communication breakdown coupled with poor local govt. was the problem... Once again though we blame the Federal Govt. and somehow Bush for what happened in New Orleans.
"Similar"!!! you must be kidding me.
Iraq is somehow similar to New Orleans.
A few extremists killing people in the streets of Iraq to take over a nation and move towards Sharia Law, towards a theocracy has nothing to do with New Orleans.
When people living in a stable nation with a better standard of living than most of the world. When people with great opportunity get handed a bad situation and a few people float TVs down the street is quite a different thing. I am all for quickly helping people get out of a bad situation, but this was and always was a purely a State/Fed communication problem.
You can attack me on being cold, but the simple fact is that an adult person living in the US is responsible for putting food on their own tables, providing their own shelter, and finding their own job.
Even the Democratic Party of FDR believed in the core philosophy of personal responsibility first... govt. intervention second. He wanted to help hard working responsible people get back on their feet not give people food/shelter/job... He was no bleeding heart. He did not believe in entitlements. FDR established Social Security to help hard working people save for retirement, not to entitle people to a retirement.
I have always believed in tough love, as I thought you did too. I thought we almost always agreed that something unearned becomes an entitlement. I also thought you didn't believe people were entitled to, but had to earn their way in life.
I think of you as one of those key figures in my life who helped me learn/establish this core value.
You can't rewrite history.
Kyoto was signed by the US and we wanted to work within the Protocal, but they did not want to work with us. We just can't afford it... and the Senate agrees, but blame Bush because it allows Senators to keep their jobs.
Every single person in the US Govt voted for the Iraq war, they share the blame, but still you blame Bush...
Even the newly elected Democratic Congress decided not to cut funding for the Iraq war. Why not blame them.
Afghanistan was never off the radar. Our mistake was strategic in nature, trusting Pakistan and trying to walk lightly when we should have just kicked some serious butt.
The simple fact is that you're not truly looking at the situation without bias... You blame Bush. You think the US is a poor global citizen.
Well Bush is not as bad as you make him out to be, how would you handle 9/11 as a president....
Hindsight is always 20/20.... quit blaming the US and Bush for all the problems in the world.
The US, even under Bush, is a great nation and you should not be embarrassed by it. You should never judge the whole by it's few mistakes.
Rewriting history? How rewriting what I said, typical republican. I am embarrassed by Bush not the US.
Bush defended FEMAs response and the Director.
You characterized a major natural disaster by the illegal actions, looting, of a small percentage of affected people.
The comparison I made to Iraq had to do with your characterization of it as an example of a "lack of personal responsiblity.
What I wrote, it is still there by the way, is that the troubles in Iraq are caused by a small percentage of the population and one side has, correctly, described the situation as better than it appears because the problems are caused by relatively few.
Interesting how Bush has already planned a trip to New Orleans for this storm. How long did it take him a few years ago.
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