Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Credit where credit is due.
"There is plenty of blame to go around and many in Washington and on Wall Street who deserve it,” he said. “There will be time to punish those who set this fire, but now is the moment for us to come together and put the fire out.
“If your neighbor’s house is burning, you’re not gonna spend a whole lot of time saying ‘well, that guy was always irresponsible. He always left the stove on. He always was smoking in bed,’” Obama told the crowd of 12,000 at the University of Nevada - Reno. “All those things may be true, but his house could end up affecting your house.”
“We’ve got to make sure that we put the fire out and then go start making sure that these folks stop leaving the stove on.”
I especially admire the FDR callback.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
NFL Week 4
Mon, Sep 29
Friday, September 26, 2008
an obit to die for
DOUGLAS -- A celebration of life for James William "Jim" Adams, 53, will be held at a later date.
He died Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008 at Memorial Hospital of Converse County in Douglas.
Jim, who had tired of reading obituaries noting other's courageous battles with this or that disease, wanted it known that he lost his battle. It was primarily as a result of being stubborn and not following doctor's orders or maybe for just living life a little too hard for better than five decades.
He was born June 8, 1955 in Garrison, N.D. the son of James William and Ruby Helen (Clark) Adams.
He was sadly deprived of his final wish, which was to be run over by a beer truck on the way to the liquor store to buy booze for a date. True to his personal style, he spent his final hours joking with medical personnel, cussing and begging for narcotics and bargaining with God to look over his loving dog, Biscuit, and his family.
He would like to thank all "his ladies" for putting up with him the last 30 years.
During his life, he excelled at anything he put his mind to. He loved to hear and tell jokes and spin tales of grand adventures he may or may not have had.
He is survived by five sons, Jeremiah Adams and his wife, Nicole, Mica Olivas, Wade Olivas, Brice Simpson and Cole Adams; sister, Jerri Giegerich; two ex-wives, Vickie Harrison and Marilyn Williams; four grandchildren; two nieces; and two great-nieces.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother-in-law.
In lieu of flowers, he asks that you make a sizeable purchase at your favorite watering hole, get rip roaring drunk and tell the stories he no longer can.
Gorman Funeral Homes - Converse Chapel of Douglas is in charge of the arrangements.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Obama should stand firm on his position that a President should be someone who can multi-task. There is no reason to suspend the debate. I am curious to hear the opinions of the conservative voices on this blog.
Football roundup
Week 1: CPN: 2, JCT: 7, RET: 2, VL: 0
Week 2: CPN: 1, JCT: 8, RET: 2, VL: -
Week 3: CPN: -, JCT: 2, RET: 5.5, VL: 7.5
total: CPN: 3, JCT: 17, RET: 9.5, VL: 7.5
In other notes, I find it interesting that we're seeing 1) the resurgence of the NFC (or at least a local maxima) and 2) a half-decent Reggie Bush. I find it fascinating that of the marquee members of the 2005 USC Trojans (a.k.a. The Most Powerful College Offense of All Time), very few of them have made serious impacts in the NFL. Indicates, I suppose, the very, very treacherous leap from college to the NFL.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Megan Tung acquires Goldman Sachs in spit-stock swap

NEW YORK, NY -- Infant Megan Tung has, in a surprise move, acquired the famed investment bank Goldman Sachs. Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein stated: "Ms. Tung clearly has a surplus of saliva, which is literally a liquid asset. Considering that she has a surplus of these assets for the foreseeable future, we are more than willing to accept these drool-based securities in exchange for our currently illiquid mortgage-backed securities." Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson hailed the deal as a glimmer of success in an increasingly dark economic picture: "We are quite thankful for the intervention of Ms. Tung to the benefit of Goldman -- we sincerely hope that more Wall Street firms will be willing to trade toxic debt for body fluids."
Ms. Tung had no comment, other than a soft "eh" and a quick hiding of her head in her mother's hair.
Monday, September 22, 2008
my setter
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Football, week 3
KC @ ATL 1:00 PM
OAK @ BUF 1:00 PM
TB @ CHI 1:00 PM
CAR @ MIN 1:00 PM
MIA @ NE 1:00 PM
CIN @ NYG 1:00 PM
HOU @ TEN 1:00 PM
ARI @ WAS 1:00 PM
NO @ DEN 4:05 PM
DET @ SF 4:05 PM
STL @ SEA 4:05 PM
CLE @ BAL 4:15 PM
JAC @ IND 4:15 PM
PIT @ PHI 4:15 PM
DAL @ GB 8:15 PM
Mon, Sep 22
NYJ @ SD 8:30 PM
As Chris would say, pick 'em! Why don't you do it in the comments -- I'll take care of the coding for now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Fun Facts
Fun fact #1: In the past 4 days, the US government has placed a $85 billion dollar tax burden on the American people. The sum total of the bailouts so far is $900 billion This dollar amount is roughly twice the deficit increase every year of the 8 years of George W. Bush.
Fun fact #2: Ben Bernake -alone- controls $888 billion of that dollar amount.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Graduate Student Erin Daly wins an ACS Predoctoral Fellowship
Daly’s current research project entails the synthesis of both diastereomers of 14-methyl epothilone D, which subsequently will be used in binding affinity studies with the protein beta-tubulin; the latter studies will provide comprehensive evidence towards the bioactive conformation of the epothilone class of natural products. The remainder of her graduate career will be directed toward biochemical research with polyketide synthases.
BREAKING NEWS: Taylor Group taken over by Fed
Professor Richard E. Taylor expressed surprise at his group's purchage of mortgage-backed securities: "All this time, I thought we were buying precursors for Evans auxiliary -- I knew that D-phenylalanine and sodium borohydride couldn't cost that much. Well, I hope we can recycle these securities like we're supposed to recycle the cleaved auxiliary..." Senior Treasury officials believe that after the acquisition of the Taylor Group, there will be no more need for the government to keep propping up large financial institutions, total synthesis groups and your local 7-11.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Practice as you play, play as you practice.
After Katrina, some people (myself included) thought that local, state and federal officials should undergo the same process. Once every two years, obvious and non-obvious scenarios, results to be disseminated to the public. Today's reports of problems with coordination between DHS, state and local officials is more evidence for the idea.
This stuff (coordination among agencies that don't talk to each other on a regular basis) is HARD** -- that why they need to practice. Yeah, they run exercises all the time, but those drills are drills. When you get to decide that your fake earthquake is going to be at 10 am on Tuesday morning, you're going to be all prepped up for it. A recorded, game-speed simulation would be a much better measurement and learning tool for government officials at all levels.
* Air Force pilots described flying in the 1st Gulf War as being "almost as hard as Red Flag."
** An amusing point from Afghanistan: there was a funny story from the initial invasion where it was discovered (during the course of a desperate battle) that the Air Force uses degrees, minutes, and thousandths of a minute, whereas the Army uses degrees, minutes, and seconds. Now picture an F-15 backseater doing conversions on his calculator watch during bombing runs. (Everything turned out all right, read more here.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Posting/Comments question
is it possible for a particualr post/comment thread to be linked to the top of the page and a little notification or indication when a new comment or post is added (ie, our "teaching" thread)?
Not a request but rather a question. If not, then we shall scroll down..
Week 2's up....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I like Rich's comment on teaching. So what can we learn from eachother.
Can one fix this problem?
What's your solution?
I'm really stumped on this. I have always thought this is a problem of the individual. I have always believed that in the US anyone could make it to the middle class (make $45k-$250k a year, no debt, and retire with a net worth of $500k-$3 million).
Assumption: poor cicumstance = no family wealth, no physical handicap, poorly educated parents.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Let's Play GOD!!
One, how the hell does he know where/what is the best thing to "invest" our tax money in. I always say the free market is better, as most people are fallible (and so are our Presidents).
Two, the govt doesn't/can't create jobs. No one wants hurricanes to hit NO, even though it "creates" jobs. It may create jobs, but it sure doesn't create wealth, it just redistributes it.... and in the Govt's case takes a chunck for an administration fee.
Anyway, here's the question:
If you were Obama (our next Pres), what would you invest the money in? Let's look back on this post and see who actually was able to determine the next generations fuel.
I'm a free market guy, so I find this question completely absurd, but Obama thinks he can do it....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hand to God answers wanted.
1) Where in the income distribution do you (either you (unmarried) or you and your spouse) have fit in order to be called "rich"? I'm looking for a percentile here.
2) What annual income do you have to make in order to be called rich?
There's no trick to this question. Just reply with whatever your gut tells you.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Reagan, Bush, McCain...a lot in common.

In previous posts we have argued about economic policy of McCain and its similarity to Bush. He believes we (which needs to be defined) are taxed too much and has proposed extending the Bush tax cuts and additional tax cuts for the upper % income earners and big businesses. Now it is hard to have this argument even with economists because there are lots of ways to look at statistics. Last week, we heard comments like "the upper income earners are paying a higher % of the tax burden than ever before." Of course that was a comment on Fox News and it may be subjective.
Mike has previously defended Bush's influence on the deficit as minor if you consider % of GDP. Thus, the graphic above shows a clear difference between supply side economics (Reagan, Bush, and potentially McCain) and the Democratic Administrations. Notice how under the years of a Republican Administration the deficit as a percentage of GDP increase drastically. But under Clinton, a balanced budget agreement actually lowered the deficit over the eight years.
Now during the Reagan Administration there was a Democratically controlled congress which was blamed for over spending when Reagan only want to increase spending on defense. And the 6/8 years of Clinton had a Republican controlled Congress. The real test was the first 6 years of Bush where the Republicans also controlled both houses of congress and despite their platform of small government, the opposite occurred.
My main reason for this post is to learn from Mike and Jim, who understand these issues better than I, why should I support McCain who has offered a tax policy that is projected to increase the deficit by trillons of dollars.
The picks...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Country First Bank...We'll work with you.
Friday, September 5, 2008
14 reasons why Barack Obama should be our next President
If you have considered yourself a serious scientist...
and by the way, John McCain has said he will answer the questions, no word on when.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wow! Sarah Palin ROCKS!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Regretting not Vetting?
(Jim, as always, was right on the money with this pick. It was a "hook and ladder" type play to try to score a touchdown at the end of the game. This play has a .0001% chance of working and usually ends with the team fumbling the ball. The "hook and ladder" Palin pick seems to be failing miserably.)