Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Week 4: Who wants to end the first month in style?
To this point Dave and Bruce are dragging slightly, but i've seen dave have an 8 win weekend, so watch out, its time to pick 'em for week 4...
Sunday, September 30
Houston @ Atlanta
NY Jets @Buffalo
Baltimore @ Cleveland
St. Louis @ Dallas
Chicago @ Detroit
Oakland @ Miami
Green Bay @ Minnesota
Tampa Bay @ Carolina
Seattle @ San Francisco
Pittsburgh @ Arizona
Denver @ Indianapolis
Kansas City @ San Diego
Philladelphia @ NY Giants
Monday, October 1
New England @ Cincinatti
Sunday, September 30
Houston @ Atlanta
NY Jets @Buffalo
Baltimore @ Cleveland
St. Louis @ Dallas
Chicago @ Detroit
Oakland @ Miami
Green Bay @ Minnesota
Tampa Bay @ Carolina
Seattle @ San Francisco
Pittsburgh @ Arizona
Denver @ Indianapolis
Kansas City @ San Diego
Philladelphia @ NY Giants
Monday, October 1
New England @ Cincinatti
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A little financial nomenclature...
As requested, wikipedia once again pulls through with vital information for our everyday lives....
something every trivia buff must know, and to satisfy the curiosities of Lunch Time Taylorites
something every trivia buff must know, and to satisfy the curiosities of Lunch Time Taylorites
Orange Jerseys and Monday Night

The Bengals are playing the Patriots on monday night and every "expert" will for sure predict the Bengals to be housed. At this point with the Bengals sub par coaching and special teams I would have to agree with them. But if there is any hope for my Bengals it is that they are wearing their orange jerseys for monday night. The Bengals first wore the orange jerseys in 2004 and have wore them two times a season since then. Listed below are the games and the results when wearing orange.
Dallas W 26-3
Cleveland W 58-48
Green Bay W 21-14
Cleveland W 23-20
Carolina W 17-14
Oakland W 27-10
That makes the bengals 6-0 when wearing the orange.
Another reason I think the Bengals have a shot is that they always play up for home primetime games. Under Marvin Lewis the Bengals are 4-0 in home primetime games. The bengals may not win monday night, but you better believe the Pats aren't playing the Jets.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So what part of a point is too small to care about?
The results of week 3 are... the first 3 way tie for a game. Its always remarkable how we manage to do this a couple times each year. So I offer up Jims comment for general comments, do we institute a margain of victory "tiebreaker" to eliminate thirds of a point? I don't much care, its a spreadsheet, it can handle the digits, but I certainly don't mind. If we institute the tiebreaker it will be retroactive back over all 3 weeks, because i still have all the data up. Leave a comment, let me know!
Congrats to Jim for bounding back this week, its still a tight race, any week could swing the standings right now. Congrats on the upset special to Vince for GB over SD, though at this point I think the only people I'd pick SD to beat are Oakland and New Orleans... so they may not make an upset special again for a while.
Question of the week, now that we have winnowed the undefeated field to 5 teams, who will be the last one standing? I have my thoughts, but I have grading to do so i'll let everyone else weigh in first.
Go Irish! (Hockey)
Congrats to Jim for bounding back this week, its still a tight race, any week could swing the standings right now. Congrats on the upset special to Vince for GB over SD, though at this point I think the only people I'd pick SD to beat are Oakland and New Orleans... so they may not make an upset special again for a while.
Question of the week, now that we have winnowed the undefeated field to 5 teams, who will be the last one standing? I have my thoughts, but I have grading to do so i'll let everyone else weigh in first.
Go Irish! (Hockey)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
"Triple H doesn't get much acclaim..."
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Schmitty here...
Just thought I'd give an update. I'm still at Amgen South San Francisco, it's been a rocky year at Amgen. As you may know, Amgen's most important drug had a saftey signal in a off label study at higher doses. This led to an overreaction by the FDA, followed by a bigger reaction by the CMS, and to make a long story short.... Amgen is cutting staff in the US by 12-14%. Looks like most of the cuts are coming out of research and manufacturing. So for the small molecule chemistry guys like me, we're looking to lose 10% of our current level. We have 80 chemists at our site, so we're losing around 8... We find out who gets cut by early October. I'm not overly worried about losing my job, but moral is at an all-time low. When in fear for one's job people tend to get a little edgy.
Other than the impending layoffs, work is good. Making progress. I had a great start at Tularik, and I was on two seperate projects that were advanced into the clinic. I was able to make a real impact and get promoted for the effort. Since then we were bought by Amgen and everything has moved at a much slower pace. Tularik: 12+ hour days plus weekends, with almost no vacation days used. Amgen: 10 hour days rarely a weekend, and I have time to take a vacation or two....
After Tularik was purchased, we moved out of San Francisco and we bought a condo in North Oakland. It's in an up and coming area. Housing prices out here are extreme!! I commute by motorcycle every day across the Bay Bridge, it makes for a fun start to my day. Stacie is working for a medical software company. She is traveling 3-5 days a week and really advancing at her company. Still no kids, just "DINK"ing it for now.
Golf game is good, have been averaging 2 birdies a round. Have shot quite a few 80, 81 rounds... still looking for the breakthrough. It's right around the corner. Shot a 37 on the back nine at Trump National last week outside LA. And had a 37, the last two rounds at courses in the bay area. Should be breaking 80 in no time.
Stacie and I also took up skiing. Lake Tahoe is a three hour drive, so we usually meet up with friends (including the recently married Brian Hearn) and go up to the mountains for a weekend trip. Skiing is an incredible sport, really pushes you.
I thought I'd never say it... but California is an amazing place to live, great weather and tons of stuff to do. We're hardly ever at home.
Feel free to contact me directly,, if you'd like to discuss the industry, jobs, or life. Or if you'd like to visit that's cool too.
Just thought I'd give an update. I'm still at Amgen South San Francisco, it's been a rocky year at Amgen. As you may know, Amgen's most important drug had a saftey signal in a off label study at higher doses. This led to an overreaction by the FDA, followed by a bigger reaction by the CMS, and to make a long story short.... Amgen is cutting staff in the US by 12-14%. Looks like most of the cuts are coming out of research and manufacturing. So for the small molecule chemistry guys like me, we're looking to lose 10% of our current level. We have 80 chemists at our site, so we're losing around 8... We find out who gets cut by early October. I'm not overly worried about losing my job, but moral is at an all-time low. When in fear for one's job people tend to get a little edgy.
Other than the impending layoffs, work is good. Making progress. I had a great start at Tularik, and I was on two seperate projects that were advanced into the clinic. I was able to make a real impact and get promoted for the effort. Since then we were bought by Amgen and everything has moved at a much slower pace. Tularik: 12+ hour days plus weekends, with almost no vacation days used. Amgen: 10 hour days rarely a weekend, and I have time to take a vacation or two....
After Tularik was purchased, we moved out of San Francisco and we bought a condo in North Oakland. It's in an up and coming area. Housing prices out here are extreme!! I commute by motorcycle every day across the Bay Bridge, it makes for a fun start to my day. Stacie is working for a medical software company. She is traveling 3-5 days a week and really advancing at her company. Still no kids, just "DINK"ing it for now.
Golf game is good, have been averaging 2 birdies a round. Have shot quite a few 80, 81 rounds... still looking for the breakthrough. It's right around the corner. Shot a 37 on the back nine at Trump National last week outside LA. And had a 37, the last two rounds at courses in the bay area. Should be breaking 80 in no time.
Stacie and I also took up skiing. Lake Tahoe is a three hour drive, so we usually meet up with friends (including the recently married Brian Hearn) and go up to the mountains for a weekend trip. Skiing is an incredible sport, really pushes you.
I thought I'd never say it... but California is an amazing place to live, great weather and tons of stuff to do. We're hardly ever at home.
Feel free to contact me directly,, if you'd like to discuss the industry, jobs, or life. Or if you'd like to visit that's cool too.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Week 3 Games, Pick 'Em!
Sunday, September 23
Arizona @ Baltimore
San Diego @ Green Bay
St. Louis @ Tampa Bay
San Francisco @ Pittsburgh
Detroit @ Philadelphia
Miami @ NY Jets
Buffalo @ New England
Minnesota @ Kansas City
Indianapolis @ Houston
Cincinatti @ Seattle
Cleavland @ Oakland
Jacksonville @ Denver
NY Giants @ Washington
Carolina @ Atlanta
Dallas @ Chicago
Monday, September 24
Tennessee @ New Orleans
Arizona @ Baltimore
San Diego @ Green Bay
St. Louis @ Tampa Bay
San Francisco @ Pittsburgh
Detroit @ Philadelphia
Miami @ NY Jets
Buffalo @ New England
Minnesota @ Kansas City
Indianapolis @ Houston
Cincinatti @ Seattle
Cleavland @ Oakland
Jacksonville @ Denver
NY Giants @ Washington
Carolina @ Atlanta
Dallas @ Chicago
Monday, September 24
Tennessee @ New Orleans
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
OJ is quite the ladykiller
Thought with the Juice back in the news I would put up this hilarious clip of him on a talk show. (I couldn't find any Norberg clips to put up, so I went with this one)
Week 2 all wrapped up
Well, for those of us playing and those of us just happy the NFL is rolling so we don't have to talk ND "football"...
The upet special this week goes to Dave for SF over St. Louis, very nice sir. Just a reminder that there are numerous ways to get your picks in, blog comments, email (i'll convert it to a post so others can see the picks after the fact) or the Stepan 357 lab phone.
For this week Jim pulls out the slightest win, in a very even week overall.
So I will pose the following question, who is the biggest bust so far in 2007, I can think of several candidates, but my early vote goes to San Diego. If that sounds odd, the collapse Sunday night sealed it for me. Nothing like going in for revenge and coming out like a whipped puppy. Whay do you think?
The upet special this week goes to Dave for SF over St. Louis, very nice sir. Just a reminder that there are numerous ways to get your picks in, blog comments, email (i'll convert it to a post so others can see the picks after the fact) or the Stepan 357 lab phone.
For this week Jim pulls out the slightest win, in a very even week overall.
So I will pose the following question, who is the biggest bust so far in 2007, I can think of several candidates, but my early vote goes to San Diego. If that sounds odd, the collapse Sunday night sealed it for me. Nothing like going in for revenge and coming out like a whipped puppy. Whay do you think?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Family Guy at the Emmys
I thought this was pretty funny. (Especially for fans of the Sopranos and Family Guy)
P.S. 30 Rock won the Emmy for Best Comedy Series and I suggest everyone reading the blog watch it.
P.S. 30 Rock won the Emmy for Best Comedy Series and I suggest everyone reading the blog watch it.
As long as the blogosphere train is dragging me down the tracks...
In case some of you noticed the "Photo Album" link in the side bar, i thought I'd mention the Photo Album :) Yes, thats right, in a random moment of curiousity I decided to see how easy it is to start a Flickr account. Its pretty darn simple. So we have one. If you'd like to post photos to it, send me an email, i'll send you the login info, you can make albums, scan in old group shots, whatever you please (within reason). Glad this is taking off the way it is, if you have any suggestions for improvement please don't hesitate to send me an email. Jim knows this works, and the worst I can do is ignore it :) By the way, did I mention the Photo Album?
Link Question
Can I provide a link in my sidebar to this blog? Or, since it is post-by-invite only, is it read-by-invite only, as well? I'm unsure of the netiquette involved.
Patterson update
well since I don't have much to say about football... the irish look bad, the gophers look bad and both could probably beat the falcons...
I'll introduce myself and give an update:
I was Rich's first postdoc.... also worked with Brad Smith (I think Rich had the left half of me and Brad had the right half).
Since leaving the Taylor/Smith group I've been with two startup companies... the first industrial project lead to a compound that is now in phase 3 clinicals for p. carinii and some of my work at the second led to a compound that is now in phase 2 for HCV.
After leaving the second company (Pharmasset) I joined the faculty at Minnesota where I'm now an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Center for Drug Design. I've been at Minnesota for almost exactly 3 years. My group webpage is
This summer was a bit of a roller coaster ride for me... my father died, I received the appointment as Associate Professor, and my grant for HIV therapeutics was awarded (11%ile).... all in the space of about a week.
Would be nice to hear from Brian, Jeff, Gabe, Kerry, Matt, Mike and the rest of the guys who were there while I was.
Gabe: I see you're at Scynexis... do you know Sarah Dimick-Gray? She's in my group now.
best to all you Taylorites
Rich, I was hoping to get back to South Bend this summer but the stuff with my father made that impossible... hopefully I can stop by again in spring.
I'll introduce myself and give an update:
I was Rich's first postdoc.... also worked with Brad Smith (I think Rich had the left half of me and Brad had the right half).
Since leaving the Taylor/Smith group I've been with two startup companies... the first industrial project lead to a compound that is now in phase 3 clinicals for p. carinii and some of my work at the second led to a compound that is now in phase 2 for HCV.
After leaving the second company (Pharmasset) I joined the faculty at Minnesota where I'm now an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Center for Drug Design. I've been at Minnesota for almost exactly 3 years. My group webpage is
This summer was a bit of a roller coaster ride for me... my father died, I received the appointment as Associate Professor, and my grant for HIV therapeutics was awarded (11%ile).... all in the space of about a week.
Would be nice to hear from Brian, Jeff, Gabe, Kerry, Matt, Mike and the rest of the guys who were there while I was.
Gabe: I see you're at Scynexis... do you know Sarah Dimick-Gray? She's in my group now.
best to all you Taylorites
Rich, I was hoping to get back to South Bend this summer but the stuff with my father made that impossible... hopefully I can stop by again in spring.
Hayden breaks 100!!!
Not just for football...
Hi Taylor Group!
Greetings from Albany!! It looks like I've been invited to join a football blog(?) Football's been a sore subject in our house as the Irish are tough to watch this year and I live with a disgruntled Raiders fan.
How are things in South Bend otherwise? I was just thinking of you all because Dr. Mobashery was just here to give a talk. He showed a nice overhead pic of the campus. I can't believe it's been over three years since I left there!
How are things in South Bend otherwise? I was just thinking of you all because Dr. Mobashery was just here to give a talk. He showed a nice overhead pic of the campus. I can't believe it's been over three years since I left there!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
0-3 ... this is the reason why watching Irish football made me sick. 38-0 against Michigan? This reminds me the 2003 season. Can this season be salvaged?
Friday, September 14, 2007
3 hits and a paper
1. Guilty: Wow -- Belichick and the Patriots have been fined pretty severely, along with having draft picks removed. That's pretty remarkable. The thing that gets me is, what did he think it would gain him? One or two plays of 50-60 where they'd know what was coming? I think there are also too many variables that a defense can throw at a quarterback (# of rushers/defenders, blitz/cover, up the left/right/middle) that could be changed up. In addition, defenses have two defenses against signal stealing: decoy signals (decreasing signal/noise ratio) and the wristband (an encoded key). There would have to be a great deal of legwork for this to work, IMO.
I honestly don't believe that this would have helped the Patriots, but just like everything the Patriots have done over the past five years -- hey, it's New England. They must know something that I don't.
2. Cyclical?: The last time that signals played a big role in the NFL was the '03 Superbowl, where Jon Gruden coached the Bucs against the team that he formerly coached, the Oakland Raiders. Apparently, the Raiders failed to change their signals from the year before (those signals installed by Gruden!!!OMG!!) and the game ended with 5 Oakland turnovers and 4 interceptions off Rich Gannon. [Let's also not forget the extenuating circumstance of the Raiders' starting center deciding that SB week was a good week to visit Tijuana rather than practice.] That was also the last time the NFC won a Superbowl in recent years and only the 2nd time in the last 10 SBs. The time before that was the Rams' 1-yard victory over the Titans in 2000.
The NFC/AFC thing is supposed to be cyclical. Uh, well, it's going to take quite a bit of 'reverting to the mean' for the cycle to go all the way back, i.e. 8 NFC wins in the next 10 Superbowls. Maybe this Belichick thing is the start -- who knows? I think the balance of power has shifted and "the market" has failed. (OMG! The pseudo-libertarian speaks heresy!)
3. Mental/physical: My wife has accused me of being a "Peyton Manning lover". While I may not luuurve Manning, I do admire him for seemingly mastering the mental aspect of the game of football, more so than any QB of our era (post-Elway). Here's the question I have for the football fans in the audience: has he mastered the physical aspect as well? Let's lay aside the dancing feet and the occasional quacking throw. I have an answer -- I'd like to hear yours first.
Interesting paper of the week: Soloshonok, Hisanori Ueki, Manabu Yasumoto, Shekar Mekala, Jennifer S. Hirschi, and Daniel A Singleton, JACS, ASAP.
If I haven't read the conclusion wrong (and maybe I have), they're arguing that vacuum drying could have an effect on enantiomeric excess. [A 'kinetic resolution' effect on sublimation of mixtures of solid enantiomers.] Hmmm. Man, nothing beats a good Mosher's though, huh? Don't forget to run it to completion! ;)
I honestly don't believe that this would have helped the Patriots, but just like everything the Patriots have done over the past five years -- hey, it's New England. They must know something that I don't.
2. Cyclical?: The last time that signals played a big role in the NFL was the '03 Superbowl, where Jon Gruden coached the Bucs against the team that he formerly coached, the Oakland Raiders. Apparently, the Raiders failed to change their signals from the year before (those signals installed by Gruden!!!OMG!!) and the game ended with 5 Oakland turnovers and 4 interceptions off Rich Gannon. [Let's also not forget the extenuating circumstance of the Raiders' starting center deciding that SB week was a good week to visit Tijuana rather than practice.] That was also the last time the NFC won a Superbowl in recent years and only the 2nd time in the last 10 SBs. The time before that was the Rams' 1-yard victory over the Titans in 2000.
The NFC/AFC thing is supposed to be cyclical. Uh, well, it's going to take quite a bit of 'reverting to the mean' for the cycle to go all the way back, i.e. 8 NFC wins in the next 10 Superbowls. Maybe this Belichick thing is the start -- who knows? I think the balance of power has shifted and "the market" has failed. (OMG! The pseudo-libertarian speaks heresy!)
3. Mental/physical: My wife has accused me of being a "Peyton Manning lover". While I may not luuurve Manning, I do admire him for seemingly mastering the mental aspect of the game of football, more so than any QB of our era (post-Elway). Here's the question I have for the football fans in the audience: has he mastered the physical aspect as well? Let's lay aside the dancing feet and the occasional quacking throw. I have an answer -- I'd like to hear yours first.
Interesting paper of the week: Soloshonok, Hisanori Ueki, Manabu Yasumoto, Shekar Mekala, Jennifer S. Hirschi, and Daniel A Singleton, JACS, ASAP.
If I haven't read the conclusion wrong (and maybe I have), they're arguing that vacuum drying could have an effect on enantiomeric excess. [A 'kinetic resolution' effect on sublimation of mixtures of solid enantiomers.] Hmmm. Man, nothing beats a good Mosher's though, huh? Don't forget to run it to completion! ;)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bill BelliCHEAT
I am curious to see what everyone else thinks about the Patriots video recording the Jets sidelines to steal defensive signals. I mean, the Patriots are just such a "classy" organization. Their players wouldn't use HGH or have children out of wedlock. And their coaches certainly wouldn't steal signals. The thing that gets me about this whole situation is that this ISN'T THE FIRST TIME! They have been warned and continued to do it. This means that they must have been obtaining some sort of competitive advantage from stealing the signals. I hope the NFL lays down the law (and knowing power hungry Goodell, he will) If Goodell came down hard on Pacman for biting strippers, then he will be probably come down very hard on the Patriots for compromising the inegrity of the game.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Week 2 Games (with a bit of a reminder...)
Before I list the games, a little reminder to all of you picking... Please post your picks as a comment to this entry. For a reference please see the original week 1 post and the picks for Rich, Jim, Bruce, and myself. Otherwise we end up with long strings of picks filling up the "home page". Thanks and choose wisely!
Sunday, Sept. 16th
Houston @ Carolina
Cincinatti @ Cleveland
Indianapolis @ Tennessee
New Orleans @ Tampa Bay
San Francisco @ St. Louis
Buffalo @ Pittsburgh
Green Bay @ NY Giants
Atlanta @ Jacksonville
Seattle @ Arizona
Dallas @ Miami
Minnesota @ Detroit
Oakland @ Denver
Kansas City @ Chicago
NY Jets @ Baltimore
San Diego @ New England
Monday, Sept. 17
Washington @ Philladelphia
Sunday, Sept. 16th
Houston @ Carolina
Cincinatti @ Cleveland
Indianapolis @ Tennessee
New Orleans @ Tampa Bay
San Francisco @ St. Louis
Buffalo @ Pittsburgh
Green Bay @ NY Giants
Atlanta @ Jacksonville
Seattle @ Arizona
Dallas @ Miami
Minnesota @ Detroit
Oakland @ Denver
Kansas City @ Chicago
NY Jets @ Baltimore
San Diego @ New England
Monday, Sept. 17
Washington @ Philladelphia
Eco-Friendly Weaponry
Channel One television said the new weapon, nicknamed the "dad of all bombs" is four times more powerful than the U.S. "mother of all bombs."
"The tests have shown that the new air-delivered ordnance is comparable to a nuclear weapon in its efficiency and capability," said Col.-Gen. Alexander Rukshin, a deputy chief of the Russian military's General Staff, said in televised remarks.
Unlike a nuclear weapon, the bomb doesn't hurt the environment, he added.
Well said General. Well said.
"The tests have shown that the new air-delivered ordnance is comparable to a nuclear weapon in its efficiency and capability," said Col.-Gen. Alexander Rukshin, a deputy chief of the Russian military's General Staff, said in televised remarks.
Unlike a nuclear weapon, the bomb doesn't hurt the environment, he added.
Well said General. Well said.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Shitstains (Cleveland Browns) traded starting QB Charlie Frye to the Seahawks. That means this guy may be their starting QB.
Bold predictions (perhaps not so bold, really)
Living in San Diego is interesting; between Mexican TV and watching crazy Californians, Danielle and I have not been bored. One of the best things about moving here when we did is to listen to the Chargers hype. They should be going to the Superbowl! They have the best player (#21) in the league! I haven't bought into it. I have my doubts about Philip Rivers, mostly stemming from his relatively poor play towards the end of last year. They'll go 11-5 and win the division; they will make it no farther than the AFC Championship. Here's how I think the AFC West will shake out:
1. San Diego
2. Denver
3. Oakland
4. Kansas City
Other bold predictions:
1. HRC wins the Democrat primary.
2. The GOP race is the closest in years and lasts into May. It'll be McCain or Romney, although I hope for my heartthrob Huckabee.
3. Ron Paul will still sound like a loon.
1. San Diego
2. Denver
3. Oakland
4. Kansas City
Other bold predictions:
1. HRC wins the Democrat primary.
2. The GOP race is the closest in years and lasts into May. It'll be McCain or Romney, although I hope for my heartthrob Huckabee.
3. Ron Paul will still sound like a loon.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Clinton v. Obama v. Edwards: Battle Royale
So the political season is "officially" upon us. With the uneventful passing of Labor Day and in response to an email that Jim sent me, I'm starting the political discussion (read: ranting). But maybe the recent days weren't so uneventful. I've noticed that Edwards (full disclosure: John Edwards is my pick for president; he was in 2004 and will be in this caucus) has gone after Clinton in the endorsement rounds that he's made, calling her out at both YearlyKos and the Carpenters Union speech he gave recently. Interestingly, he's not criticizing her for taking money previously or suggesting that she return all or part of the funds, but rather arguing that if we'd like to change the power balance in Washington, Democrats can no longer accept what gives them power, the cash-money. In order to put the power back in the hands of the people, K street's gotta go. So he's vowed not to take money from these folks and will run a clean campaign (also, clean is not the word i would use here as his comments were pretty harsh).
This is a concept that the Democrats have been running on for nearly 30 years. If i can channel Rummy for a few minutes: Will it change with John Edwards as president? No. Will even a Democrat (sic) Congress pass such reforms? Decidedly no. Does this get votes in the progressive caucus? Absolutely. Will John Edwards get some air time for this? Probably, but not yet. Will this be enough to oust Obama from his second place status? Not with Oprah backing him. Will Johnny Boy be maligned to Veep status for a second time? i doubt it. He won't accept anything less than the top spot.
All in all this is a play to get endorsements from a blue-collar working class proletariat. A common concept in most progressive populist circles. This is also one of the safest "anti-Hilary" plays out there right now. It's her soft spot in the left blogosphere. And i agree its the right move for Edwards right now. We'll see how it plays out.
As an aside, how can a former lobbyist, assuming he gets the nomination, win against that attack and still be the reincarnation of Reagan if he looks like a evil villain from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? :)

pillaged from
This is a concept that the Democrats have been running on for nearly 30 years. If i can channel Rummy for a few minutes: Will it change with John Edwards as president? No. Will even a Democrat (sic) Congress pass such reforms? Decidedly no. Does this get votes in the progressive caucus? Absolutely. Will John Edwards get some air time for this? Probably, but not yet. Will this be enough to oust Obama from his second place status? Not with Oprah backing him. Will Johnny Boy be maligned to Veep status for a second time? i doubt it. He won't accept anything less than the top spot.
All in all this is a play to get endorsements from a blue-collar working class proletariat. A common concept in most progressive populist circles. This is also one of the safest "anti-Hilary" plays out there right now. It's her soft spot in the left blogosphere. And i agree its the right move for Edwards right now. We'll see how it plays out.
As an aside, how can a former lobbyist, assuming he gets the nomination, win against that attack and still be the reincarnation of Reagan if he looks like a evil villain from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? :)

pillaged from
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Week 1 Highlights (or Lowlights...)
I think my favorite play today had to be Butterfingers Grossman fumbling while moving in the pocket. Perhaps we need smaller footballs, that way Sexy Rexy will look a little less pathetic.
While I'm offering highlights, anyone got an opinion on the Chargers/Bears fumble controversy? In my opinion, if you can't challenge an uncalled penalty that results ina change of possession there is a serious problem with the replay system. Let the chatter begin...
While I'm offering highlights, anyone got an opinion on the Chargers/Bears fumble controversy? In my opinion, if you can't challenge an uncalled penalty that results ina change of possession there is a serious problem with the replay system. Let the chatter begin...
In the words of Justin Wilson
"This team's going to be ready to go, there's no doubt in my mind. I'm not going to lose. We're not going to lose," Hart said.
The only thing that makes me more angry than the very likeable Hart making statements like this after Michigan's horrendous start to their season is the fact that he is probably correct.
Famous sports guarantees...
The only thing that makes me more angry than the very likeable Hart making statements like this after Michigan's horrendous start to their season is the fact that he is probably correct.
Famous sports guarantees...
Week One Picks
Nothing like last minute picks. I would first like to say that I enjoyed Thursday night, but nobody wins a championship for one game. And if the so called experts pick the Patriots, so be it. I would rather the Colts fly under the radar this year anyway.
PIT 27
CLE 20 (Brady Quinn by the second half?)
PHI 31
GB 13 (Farve needs to retire! Let's face it, he just wants the TD record and maybe the interception record too at the rate he's going.)
CAR 21
STL 24
MIN 15
NE 20
NYJ 13
MIA 12
WAS 10 This could quite possibly the most boring game all day and I sure it will be televised here.
TEN 16
JAX 23 I just want the Colts to kill Vince Young next week so I do not have to hear that he is a top 5 quarterback.
KC 22
HOU 27 Not quite sure how you score 22.
DEN 15
BUF 17 Upset special and sorry Daniel.
CHI 10
SD 27 I think Rex is good for a couple of fumbles and at least 2 picks.
TB 12
SEA 28
DET 12
OAK 15 Another boring game.
NYG 20
DAL 24
BAL 13
CIN 24
ARI 20
SF 17
PIT 27
CLE 20 (Brady Quinn by the second half?)
PHI 31
GB 13 (Farve needs to retire! Let's face it, he just wants the TD record and maybe the interception record too at the rate he's going.)
CAR 21
STL 24
MIN 15
NE 20
NYJ 13
MIA 12
WAS 10 This could quite possibly the most boring game all day and I sure it will be televised here.
TEN 16
JAX 23 I just want the Colts to kill Vince Young next week so I do not have to hear that he is a top 5 quarterback.
KC 22
HOU 27 Not quite sure how you score 22.
DEN 15
BUF 17 Upset special and sorry Daniel.
CHI 10
SD 27 I think Rex is good for a couple of fumbles and at least 2 picks.
TB 12
SEA 28
DET 12
OAK 15 Another boring game.
NYG 20
DAL 24
BAL 13
CIN 24
ARI 20
SF 17
Friday, September 7, 2007
Should we really trust the "experts" on ESPN? Not one had Indianapolis going back to the Super Bowl yet they should be the clear favorites in the AFC. Every so called expert expects Bridget Monahan's baby daddy to make a trip to Arizona this winter. This stems from the assumption that "Tom Brady never has had weapons like this before". Well I am just going to say it....WHO CARES? Randy Moss hasn't did anything significant since 2004 (running over a police officer doesn't count), Donte Stallworth hasn't done anything ever, Wes Welker is just another name for overhyped white wide reciever and Kelley Washington is a pretty boy who is scared to take a hit and is most famous for his hilarious squirrel end zone dance. ( My question is, does he really have more talent. On paper yes, but in reality I am not so sure. The fact that I have to hear about this from "experts" is the reason I hope the Patriots season isnt as potent as Tom Brady's sperm.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The perennial question of Reggie Bush
Since the advent of Reggie Bush in the NFL, I've been asking the same question to my Taylor Group football friends:
Three years from now, will Reggie Bush be:
A. A perennial MVP candidate (corrected from "Pro Bowler")?
B. A well-regarded, competent back? (i.e. Thomas Jones)
C. A bust?
Last year, the answer seemed to be B, shading in the beginning of the season towards C. He ended the season towards A.
After one season, it's still difficult to tell. Nevertheless, I vote for B. What do the rest of you think?
Three years from now, will Reggie Bush be:
A. A perennial MVP candidate (corrected from "Pro Bowler")?
B. A well-regarded, competent back? (i.e. Thomas Jones)
C. A bust?
Last year, the answer seemed to be B, shading in the beginning of the season towards C. He ended the season towards A.
After one season, it's still difficult to tell. Nevertheless, I vote for B. What do the rest of you think?
Vince's Picks
NO 20
IND 28
PHI 20
GB 21
ATL 14
MIA 14
NE 24
NYJ 13
TEN 20
JAX 10
DEN 17
BUF 21
PIT 34
CLE 17
CAR 17
STL 24
KC 3
HOU 17
TB 17
SEA 34
CHI 16
SD 13
DET 24
DAL 10
BAL 10
CIN 17 (Ocho Cino will bring "sexy back" on monday night!)
ARI 20
SF 24
IND 28
PHI 20
GB 21
ATL 14
MIA 14
NE 24
NYJ 13
TEN 20
JAX 10
DEN 17
BUF 21
PIT 34
CLE 17
CAR 17
STL 24
KC 3
HOU 17
TB 17
SEA 34
CHI 16
SD 13
DET 24
DAL 10
BAL 10
CIN 17 (Ocho Cino will bring "sexy back" on monday night!)
ARI 20
SF 24
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Thanks, Chris!
Great idea, Chris. Although I won't rule out the idea of meeting you in a dark alley, I like blogging better.
I hope this is a good spot to tell good news...guess what? I'm pregnant! Due in March. We still have not officially adopted Harold and Savanah, so we are going for three kids in one year!
Hope all is well with the rest of the Taylor group, past and present.
Talk to you soon,
I hope this is a good spot to tell good news...guess what? I'm pregnant! Due in March. We still have not officially adopted Harold and Savanah, so we are going for three kids in one year!
Hope all is well with the rest of the Taylor group, past and present.
Talk to you soon,
Whats this Craziness all about?
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, chemists of all ages! Ok, so basically the idea here is to create a forum where we can all post entries, keep in touch, plan meet-ups at conferences, amusement parks, dark alleys, etc. Its supposed to be a small place where Taylor Group members past and present can communicate, so if you have email addresses for people to add, let me know. I am going to restrict the commenting on the blog entries to only "members" so we don't get lots of spam issues. Welcome back to the party everyone!
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